We get it! When you first embark on your journey of learning how to play the guitar, you may be filled with so much excitement that you simply can’t wait to start playing. Like most experiences though, the journey is worth savouring, and our team here at Auckland Guitar Studio want to remind you of some essentials before you get started.

Here’s what you need to know about beginner guitar lessons and what you should expect from the process.

It Will Take Time And Effort To Build Your Skill

There is no shortcut for developing true skill and mastery of the guitar. You may find yourself feeling frustrated by the fact that you can’t immediately start playing your favourite songs, but take solace in the fact that simply practising your skill will bring you closer to your goals and you can have fun while you learn!

It Is Completely Normal To Feel Lost 

You may be joining us with some music theory knowledge or experience in a different instrument, or you could be joining us with zero experience. No matter what level of understanding you are starting from, know that there may be times that you don’t grasp something immediately, or it may take several tries before things start to make sense. This is a normal part of the process. Remind yourself that you are here to learn, which means that you are turning the feeling of uncertainty into a sensation of knowledge.

You Can Set Yourself Up For Success

When you start your lessons, you can choose to assign a practice schedule ahead of time to make your commitment to learning stronger and easier. Practice really does make perfect! And by setting out a time that you can stick to, you are so much more likely to develop your guitar skills and keep up the work towards mastery.

At Auckland Guitar Studio, we welcome everyone at any stage of their learning. Talk to us about any queries you may have regarding your beginner guitar lessons – we are happy to help. Get in touch with us at 0204 GUITAR, fill out our online form or make a booking for your free intro guitar lesson online at your convenience!